Firefly Forest

249 Cranberry Lane- SURPRISE Alice!!!

So Alice has had a pathway for quite some time now but every few days the rocks kept coming out and getting miss placed. So my kids and I decided to surprise Alice with a new, more sturdy pathway!! We had so much fun doing this for her! And what was even better was the letter we got from her! We learned once again that when you serve others it brings YOU so much LIGHT & JOY! What can you do for someone else this week??

343 Rebelberry Lane - Painting Day!

A few days ago we received a little, tiny note in our mailbox. It was from the fairies! It said they "LOVE their new home but want to do some painting. And although they are quite strong, it would be very helpful if we would take all the furniture out for them".

Of course we did and could not wait to see what these sweet fairies came up with. Here is their newly painted home and a helper putting the furniture back in for them. It's ADORABLE! I want these floors and wall color in my house!

343 Rebelberry Lane - It Has Happened!

It has happened! Oh, yes this is Real. FAIRIES! They really do live here!

When the first plant was seen, we knew it wouldn't be long, but thought we could help them move right along. To the nursery we went, and back in a flash, one by one they were planted and done in a dash. Now the beauty is know from as far as the street, and if you are passing, stop and take a peek. 




The Cranberry Fairies Are Here!

South of the mountain where strange winds blow and west of the cluster of glass buildings that glow. There's a quiet street near Gratitudes Tip where cranberries are grown but cannot be sipped. 

The first of the fairies arrived late last night. Bringing light, love, and magic to neighbors delight. Remember that fairies can be timid and shy. So be kind when you visit, keep a watchful eye. This tiny home is filled with magical things and maybe, just maybe you'll catch a glimpse of her sparkling wings. 

Angel's Cottage: Painting & Glazing

The Angel's Cottage is one step closer to being complete!

If you’ve never used mistinted paint, give it a try. Mistints can be found at most home improvement stores. Prices vary, but generally mistinted paints are marked down by more than 50% and let's face it, every penny counts.

There is, however, one caveat. When layering paint, you really need to use the same brand of paint for the entire project. So keep this in mind if you decide to use mistinted paint.

Glaze is the final step and, in my opinion, the secret to making each project magical. Dries slower than regular paint so you have more time to work with it. You can buy glaze premixed but it tends to be pricey.

I mix my own using an un-tinted can of DEEP BASE and whatever color you want the glaze to be (darker colors work best for me). Mix together in a 4:1 ratio. I use general purpose brushes that I buy at Walmart (5 for $8) to brush on the glaze. 


Bringing Your Imagination to Life with Clay

I discovered clay when my boys were toddlers. Of course it started with Playdough but quickly progressed to Sculpey. Together, we've created all manner of dinosaurs, superhero's, and animals.

Clay is an amazing toy/tool/medium! It's generally inexpensive, easy to find, and a fantastic way to make a little magic. 

Another added benefit is that it provides an amazing opportunity to spend quality time, facilitate conversation, and strengthen relationships with kiddos. 

A few of my favorites: Polyform clays & Magic Sculpt

Model Air and Sculpey are both polyform clays. The difference is that Model Air doesn't require baking. It dries in about 24 hours and doesn't require baking. Whereas Sculpey will not harden until it is baked. Both are non-toxic, can be painted with latex paint, and are easy to find. The only downside is durability. 

Magic Sculpt is a two-part epoxy clay. The only downside to this particular clay is that it is expensive. That being said, Magic Sculpt is my favorite clay to work with. I use it for all sorts of things (presentation models, accessories, construction repairs, architectural elements, swords, replicating lost board game pieces...I could go on). Seriously, the potential uses for this clay are absolutely endless and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. 

There are plenty of options when it comes to clay tools. A few of my favorite tools: A pastry cutter, a thin sharp blade (box cutter, exacto, even a butter knife works great), and a pencil. Not impressed by the pencil? You should be. I consider a sharpened pencil to be one of my most valued tools when working with clay.


The strawberries are made of epoxy clay (Magic Sculpt). As I said, I absolutely ADORE this clay. It dries hard as a rock (and I do mean hard as a rock). This is not an option for little kiddos simply because it's epoxy, it's expensive, and once it hardens, it hardens and sticks for life. This includes furniture, floors, countertops, pet fur, you get the point. BUT...for me, this is often the best option.

Be sure to check out my video with the young and talented Super Sculptress Susie Clark.

GoFundMe for Firefly Forest

Firefly Forest was brought to life by the power of kindness. Like a magical seed, a tiny red door fixed in the hollow of oak tree brought the forest to life. Visitors were drawn into the forest hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious creatures. It became a place of connection, a place of belonging, a place to dream, a place to find relief, and a place to find hope. 

I believe that as we share the very best of ourselves with others, we can make the world a better place. By using our individual talents and abilities, each one of us has the power to lift another and make a difference. 

Please check out my GoFundMe Campaign. Be sure to share it on social media to help me get the word out.



Creative Expression: I Don't Think It Means What You Think It Means

What is “creative expression”? When I was a kid, I believed that only real artists had the ability to creatively express anything. Furthermore, if you couldn’t draw, paint, or sing, you had no business trying to be creative in any way.

But the truth is that creative expression is not limited to any one person’s definition or artistic skill set. And therein lies the real beauty and the magic of creativity. It only needs permission by its creator. Brought to life and unleashed, to tickle and delight, to excite and ignite.

Sometimes it ain’t easy and certainly it takes courage, but I believe that there is freedom in creative expression that provides a direct path to a better understanding and acceptance of one’s self. 

How to Change the World

Have you ever wanted to make a difference?  Spend 10 minutes watching the news and it's likely that you'll be left feeling depressed, overwhelmed, and  wondering if it's even possible for one person to change the world.

The good news is that it is absolutely possible to change the world. Watch the video to find out how.